Friday, April 5, 2013

Dollar Scholars Fellowship Deadline Extended

Dear Friends,
  Becca and I have decided to extend the deadline for the Dollar Scholars Fellowship because some of our Guideline Letters were delayed in being sent out due to Becca's trip to India and my bad secretarial skills.
We have received one fantastic entry so far, but the competition is still open and the fellowship will be conferred on 2 lucky recipients who have written a letter about letters. In case you have forgotten, the fellows' letter on letters will be processed by us (copied and enveloped, stamped, and posted) and all costs for the copying and mailing will be provided by our fund. Send entries to R.S.V.P. (two copies please) to Genese Grill, 39 Strong Street, Burlington, VT, 05401 or Rebecca Mack, 57 North Winooski Avenue, no.3, Burlington, VT, 05401 (or one copy to each address) by June 1st, 2013.
                                  Love, Genese


  1. Genesey, Can you please provide me with some more information about the parameters for the Dollar Scholars Fellowship? THank you!

  2. Dear Pony and any one else confused. Please scroll down on this blog to the Guidelines for R.S.V.P. letters. The Dollar Scholar description is given toward the end of this explanation. Thanks! -G

  3. If you look under the blog entries for January, the explanation is called Welcome and Instructions for Use. Thanks!-G.
